Contoh kasus audit manajemen sumber daya manusia
Contoh kasus audit manajemen sumber daya manusia

contoh kasus audit manajemen sumber daya manusia

Behavioral Research in Accounting, 27(1), 5578.Breesch, D., & Branson, J. The Effects of Professional Role, Decision Context, and Gender on the Ethical Decision Making of Public Accounting Professionals. Manajemen Pengawasan Stratejik (Edisi Keti). Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance, 30(1), 5777.Badan Pengawasan Keuangan dan Pembangunan. The Impact of Culture on the Quality of Internal Audit An Empirical Study. Behavioral Research in Accounting, 24(1), 123.Alzeban, A. Chief Audit Executives Assessment of Internal Auditors Performance Attributes by Professional Rank and Cultural Cluster. I Gusti Ayu Purnamawati, Universitas Pendidikan GaneshaĪbdolmohammadi, M. An internal government auditor should improve his professionalism for the efficiency and effectiveness improvement in order to improve public sector performance.

contoh kasus audit manajemen sumber daya manusia

The results showed that Motivation, Work Culture, Leadership Style, Gender, and Independence had positive and significant impact on the professionalism of the government auditors. All the variables in this study were measured using the likert scale 1-5. Data analysis methods used were validity and reliability test, the classical assumption, and the hypothesis were tested using F-test analysis and t-test analysis which were then analyzed using multiple linear regression analysis. Types of data used was quantitative data, while the data collected by using questionnaires. The subjects of this study were all auditors at the Inspectorate of Buleleng Regency, Inspectorate of Denpasar City and Inspectorate of Bali Province. The samples of this study were 30 respondents. The aim of this study was to analyze the professionalism of the government auditors in Bali Province.

contoh kasus audit manajemen sumber daya manusia

Auditor, Government, Professionalism Abstract

Contoh kasus audit manajemen sumber daya manusia