Jst toneforge review
Jst toneforge review

jst toneforge review jst toneforge review jst toneforge review

But some signature products are designed to be as useful a tool for someone else entirely than the artist in question as well, and sometimes you hear a sound and you just have to have it. The chances of that particular instrument suiting your needs as well are not fantastic. When it comes to music gear, a signature product is designed in collaboration with the artist based on their needs, not yours. I own some and use them often, yet I’m perplexed when I think about the concept – what do someone else’s preferences have to do with what I want? Like Beyonce endorsing Pepsi is going to make my tastebuds the same as hers (I actually love Pepsi and Beyonce but that’s not the point). Signature products are something that I go back and forth about.

Jst toneforge review